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Web Analytics
You cannot manage what you cannot measure. Nowhere is this more true than on the Web – where examining what works and what doesn’t directly influences the bottom line.
Insight: Intelligence: PerformanceWeb analytics is the study of website user's behaviour and has become an integral part of the marketing mix. It involves the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data in order to understand and optimise web usage and marketing campaigns. This user behaviour is at the centre of all that we do at Network Intellect so that decisions made are backed up by real life actions. Analysing and understanding how users interact with your site is essential as we strive to boost conversions and ROI.
We are technology neutral as a business, which enables us to choose from the range of analytics tools available to select the one that best suits our clients' needs. We are specialists in this area and are an accredited Yahoo! Web Analytics Consultant and Google Qualified Company. Our services range from set up, implementation, integration and analysis to full management, professional services and consulting.
We have worked with an array of technologies from the widely as we strive to ensure we are utilising the best technology for your situation.

Some of the main technologies available include:

Yahoo! Web AnalyticsWith powerful and flexible tools and dashboards Yahoo! Web Analytics offers a comprehensive website reporting system designed to help increase sales, reduce marketing costs and encourage visitor retention. Yahoo! Web Analytics provides a wealth of information about your site and by implementing key performance metrics it enables tracking and optimising of all your marketing campaigns in one console.

Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is web analytics solution which gives rich insights into website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Google Analytics generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website and with powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features lets you analyse traffic data in order to maximize performance.

OmnitureOmniture is a large global provider of Web analytics. Ominture's online analytics provides actionable, real-time intelligence for online strategies and marketing initiatives and allows measurement, analysis and optimisation across all your marketing campaigns.

CoremetricsCoremetrics Analytics provides accurate data of visitor behavior and features the tools required to successfully obtain, retain, and convert web visitors and customers.

WebtrendsWebtrends is an analytics solution which measures all aspects of your online presence. With powerful and flexible tools it can help uncover visitor preferences which can be used to optimise online performance.


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