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How To Avoid Mistakes In Your Marketing Efforts

We all know the world of digital marketing is constantly changing and the lines are becoming more and more unclear between search, social, local and mobile marketing.With this in mind we are going to look at six things in this series that need to be avoided regardless of all the changes going on around us.

1. Not putting your phone number on your home page

It appears from surveys conducted that as much as more than 60% of small businesses are missing out on a massive opportunity by not including their business phone number on on their website header, footer or home page.
Another addition that needs to be added to this is that it is even more important that these not be included in an image, graphic or banner but be pure text.
This is because in our new smartphone age, tablets and phones and even some browsers can detect phone number formats and turn these into click to dial buttons, however if this is put in a graphic this cannot be read by a smartphone and therefore adds another step to the user contacting you.
If you would like any help with your online marketing then why not get in contact with us here at Network Intellect.

2. Not setting up your Social Media Profiles

There seems to be a massive amount of social media sites these days and trying to work out which ones are important and worth setting up is hard to know.
In fact, it seems every day there is a new one being suggested to us to use and it is hard to keep on top of all of this. When push comes to shove you don’t need to be on all social media profiles all the time but you should at least be setting up your profiles, including your address, phone numbers, website URLs and any other information that you’d like the people to know.
This saves you down the line when if you decide to list on Twitter for example you don’t have to try and get your name off of a competitor for a high price or trying to stop a fan/enemy of your brand who is putting out a bad image of you under your name.
In fact this can be done quickly and efficiently using tools like KnowEm which registers all your profiles in minutes.
If you would like any help with your online marketing then why not get in contact with us here at Network Intellect.
With this in mind we are going to look at six things in this series that need to be avoided regardless of all the changes going on around us. Today we look at our second point.

3. Keeping an Eye on your Business Name

Unfortunately keeping track of your business name online is not as simple as looking at comments on your website blog or Facebook page, people will talk about you, your products, your employees etc. anywhere that this is possible on the web.
This could be on competitors sites, sites related to yours, friends Facebook pages etc. In fact anywhere where there is an input box that lets someone type, they are likely to use it!
Unfortunately again you can’t spend all day monitoring the web, continuously searching your business name but there is a very useful tool called Trackur which can do this for you.
Trackur and similar tools will look through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, forums, blogs, messages boards etc. and look for whichever keyword or keyword phrase you give it and send you daily reports on its findings.
If you would like any help with your online marketing then why not get in contact with us here at Network Intellect.
We all know the world of digital marketing is constantly changing and the lines are becoming more and more unclear between search, social, local and mobile marketing.
With this in mind we are going to look at six things in this series that need to be avoided regardless of all the changes going on around us. Today we look at our fourth point.

4. Not putting your email contact on your homepage

This is a bit similar to our first point about not having a phone number listed on your header, footer or at least home page.
There is nothing more frustrating when trying to find contact details on a site when it is not obvious. In fact instead of making customers hunt around your whole site looking for these contact forms or pages just give them the email address straight away in your header, footer or home page at least so that it is easily attainable.
People want speed these days, everything has to be done quickly so providing an email address that can be clicked on or that goes through to your contact form is a great way to give your users easy access to your contact details.
If you would like any help with your online marketing then why not get in contact with us here at Network Intellect.


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