Social Media Optimisation Social Media has become a very important part of search marketing. Not only can it help increase the websites ranking within the search engine results page but it can also increase the companies brand and awareness.
Social Media involves activities geared towards influencing media, communities and audiences that exist solely on the Internet. These include Facebook, Bebo, Myspace, Twitter and many more.
Network Intellect offer a Social Media Service aimed at increasing the websites link popularity and ranking within the search engines, this includes:
• Social Brief Creation (we help you find out what it is you need)
• Digital focus groups (real time connection with global niches).
• Seeding strategies (Buzz creation).
• Viral activity: video scripting and quality in-house production.
• Widgets, Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and other social network applications.
• Branded channels on YouTube, Facebook fan pages etc
• Social Media Press Releases
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